ProductWriter Release 32

Delivering simplicity in an increasingly complex world.
Release 32 is designed with our users firmly in mind. We are continually looking at ways to improve the user interface and a number of enhancements introduced in this release are designed to increase productivity, allow for simplification of product maintenance and improve the user experience. We have built upon our ease of use theme with two brand new features; Routing Tables and Product Insights.

Product Insights

Release 32 will introduce a new mechanism for customers to have a ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ view of the hierarchical relationships within their products. ProductWriter users will be able to see the product flow and impact across the rules, tables, groups and controls. This will allow users to understand the product structure more easily and assist with knowledge transfer and training across organisations. There will be both a “Top Down” Process Flow and a “Bottom Up” Reference Tree perspective that will provide users with a visual representation as they navigate through the scheme rules.

Routing Tables

Routing Tables are designed to allow users to easily create and maintain a new type of table that controls the execution of rules within a ruleset. The tables contain the rules to be performed, replacing those previously performed within the ruleset. The dimensions of the table can be defined by users and can include dictionary or user defined properties within the scheme.

Routing Tables will give the following benefits:

  • Provides an overview of a scheme’s rating steps, for example,
    for each cover type or variant
  • Significantly reduces the number of statements required
  • Allows for simpler scheme maintenance
  • Affords greater control of rules

Login and download our release notes to view the full list of new features and improvements in this release.

Toolset Release Notes
RTE Release Notes

About ProductWriter

ProductWriter is the UK’s most widely used product definition and rating engine used by over 100 insurers. The RTE rating engine has the speed to rate millions of quotes an hour with sub second response times, whilst the toolset allows pricing and product teams to collaborate and quickly build, test and deploy any line of product. ProductWriter is regularly developed in collaboration with our users, with updates also addressing market and consumer changes so our users can get the best of it ProductWriter.

Please get in touch if you would like to learn how ProductWriter could improve your rating sophistication and speed to market.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this release or are interested in ProductWriter please email the ProductWriter Team[email protected]

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